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H.M. the Qeen's State Visit to People's Republic of China

H.M. the Qeen's State Visit to People's Republic of China

H.M. the Qeen's State Visit to People's Republic of China Full Sheet.

Full Sheet

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 Issue Name :

H.M. the Qeen's State Visit to People's Republic of China

 Issue Date : 2001-08-12
 Perforation : 14 .50 x 1
 Denomination : 5.00 Baht
 Details : Illustres the picture of the State Banquet at Fang Feu Yuan Building where President Jiang Ze Ming had an honour to greet H.M. the Queen on th 16 th October 2000 and the painting of the Great Wall.
 Size : 27 x 45 mm
 Printer : Chan Wanich Security Printing Company Limited, Thailand

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SC 01396 

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